Let me start by saying how bad I am at Spanish hahaha I thought I was good until I got to Cantarranas which is this really small town slash village type of dealio. So basically everyone has like 4 teeth and I can't understand a single thing. Luckily I have a Latino companion named Elder Reinoso. He was a professional soccer player but came on a mission instead of continuing. He loves to talk so that's good because I literally have no idea what the heck these guys are saying. The first day was really tough and I was about to break down because I just had no idea what was going on. We would be teaching and then he would look at me to jump in but I didn't understand a single word that was said so I would just kind of panic and not say anything. After a week I still don't understand but but I understand my companion decently. He is so cool. And such a great missionary. All we do is work and work. Like we do not eat because we just work. I love it though. I literally love this mission thing I'm doing. I suck at it but I love it. I'm really good at asking questions and then having them not understand anything haha like yesterday this guy we were teaching named Ronald told me I spoke spanglish haha. I was offended and then I realized that I've been here for like 8 hours and I shouldn't care. At least he understood enough to know what I was trying to say.
So the food here is hit or miss. One day I am eating the best tacos I've ever had prepared by a man who would like to be a lady with like four golden teeth and then the next day I'm eating crappy beans and eggs lol its all good though. Another weird thing is that there are just animals EVERYWHERE. Like I'm talking wild horses just galloping down the street and packs of wild dogs just chillin on the corner. I'm amazed how this doesn't strike anyone else as weird.
So this work here is really good. We taught 79 lessons this week!! We've got like 20 investigators and they all have baptismal dates. This weekend we have two baptisms already!! They should call me Jon the baptist because all I get is dunks!!! haha the people here are so nice but kind of sketchy too haha check out this story. So we are going to teach this guy named Angel but he was kind of drunk so we decided to come back another time. We were at this dead end and then Reinoso goes, we need to keep going. I was like you mean into this jungle right here. And he goes, yeah, someone is ready for the gospel. So we did it and we are walking around for a while and find no one. He gets discouraged and starts to turn around and I did too then I just got this prompting to keep going. I told him and we turned around and kept going. We ended up finding this guy in the middle of a jungle!!! He's working in this field of something but there is this huge river in between us and him so we start leaping from these huge rocks and eventually cross it. We start to talk to him and he was 100 percent interested in the message. It was way sick!! We have a bunch of those experiences. It's amazing how the Lord will literally place people into our hands to teach. I love being a missionary. I want to go home like everyday but I love being here! It's freaking hot here but its all good. I really love it.
Alison asked if he had dirt floors and if he could catch a dog and keep it as a pet:
lol we actually have really nice house. No dirt floors just dirt on the floor. This country is so gross. So dirty. And I would catch a dog but I would literally die from its crazy disease haha there are puppies everywhere because the dogs aren't neutered and they just go at it. I love the dogs so much but Reinoso says we aren't aloud to have pets. Something about being obedient. Not quite sure, Spanish is too tough!

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