So this week was just something else! A lot of work, and traveling, a bit of sickness, and even some drama! All of the characteristics of a good week!
So lets start by talking about the work. This week we worked like dogs. We were out trying to find people and teaching the people that we have! It was actually really fun. We talked to our mission leaders and we came to the conclusion that we could have like 5 baptisms this next Saturday if we work hard enough. I mean like 3 will be some niƱos but souls are souls right!! And on the 18th we are planning another 5!! I would lose my mind if we were actually able to get 10 baptisms this week! it would be so great!
Also this friday I got to spend the whole day out in Tegucigalpa! We got to get our residencies that say that we are legal people in the country. Before I was an illegal immigrant!! haha but now I am 100% catratcho!!! I feel it in my blood now!! I only crave beans and eggs with tortillas! I do all of the weird Honduran things and even talk all ghetto like they do. I've come to the conclusion that Hondurans speak like the equivalent of east St Louis. It is the same language that every body speaks but just more slurred and really no one understands of them. Every person who comes here says that they all speak weird and now I am one of the people that speak weird! I love being Honduran! hahahaha and when I was in Teguc, I got to eat at Denny's!! I had some real pancakes with real syrup!! I mean it was delicious. It is the little things that make me happy. I don't ask for much. Just real pancakes and syrup haha
And this week I have been a bit sick. Starting last Monday i had some really bad stomach pain. I was in the house the whole day on Wednesday. And I had to go to the doctor that day. Turns out I have parasites!! But it is chill because the medicine is supposed to be excellent to kill those guys. Only problem is that I am poor, and I can't buy the medicine right now so I am just suffering until I get money to buy it. But I mean it is all about the experience so I am not even mad.
And finally the drama. So I gave my first district meeting class on setting goals and achieving our goals. It was really good too!! I bought a snickers bar and threw it up on the basketball hoop and told them that they had 3 minutes to make a plan and get the snickers bar. The sisters were chucking water bottles at the back board for like 5 minutes and couldn't do it!!! It was golden. And the elders were like jumping and nothing. Until I told them that in life sometimes we need to change the plan to accomplish the goal. So the elders just got lifted the others up and grabbed the snickers. It was great. Then we went back in the class and I taught the rest of the class. Then I ended it by saying that to me the numbers don't matter but the investigators matter. I told them that if they cant do a lot of contacting in the week but they do a lot of lessons then that its a perfect week to me. I guess the zone leaders didn't like that I only focus in the people and not the numbers and they called me that night a bit grumpy. I told them that to me the investigators will always come first them the numbers. And that I 100 percent defend what i said and that I don't take it back just because they are grumpy with me. And he was like elder but you cant say that !! So I just told him that contention is of the devil and that we wont fight about it haha fun times here in Danli like always.
I love you all!!!
Elder Garry
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