So Elder Santacruz and i are like the 3 muskateers but there is just 2 of us. He and i get along so great! I feel like i am in my training again how much i love my companion. It is so fun just being with someone so new because they copy you exactlly. The way that i contact, teach, give examples, or even eat, he will just copy it all. He is just like a smaller latino version of Elder Garry. So hes basically already the best haha This week we had a ton of success. We found 9 new people!! and a complete family!!! It has always been my dream to be able to bring a family into the Church and then hear about how they all get sealed together a year later. like it has always been my dream and i can seriously see this family getting baptized!! They are all so great. The key of it all is the father of the family. He really does love his whole family. ANd because of that, they are more willing to do things together like listen to our messages! THis week we taught the Book of Mormon which is usually a make or break lesson. ANd by the end they were like "so when are you going to give us one of these books??" and that day it was raining so hard so we didnt bring any with us because we didnt want them to get soaked. So today we stopped by and gave them the books and they were so happy! Its times like these when you just really love being a missionary!
Except when it rains, that sucks. and this whole week i have just been wet from rain. But like it says in Garry 3:16. "If thou wilst labor in the rains, your wife will be more attractive" so basically im alright about it.
And then this week we all had interviews with President Bowler. I honestly love him and his wife with all of my heart. So that day i had to give a class about Inspired Questions, Challenges, and Testimonys, and it was so great. Like it was the first time that i 100% felt comfortable giving a class infront of all of the missionaries. And then in my interview it was so great as well. I had been feeling really really stressed lately. Just the expectation to train and make him a great missionary was tough. I felt like i had to be the best example and make sure that we are always doing something and it was hard. So i was really looking forward to my interview. And Pres. Bowler really gave me some great advice. 1. That these arent MY investigators nor are they MY members in the ward. But they are all Heavenly Fathers children. And that i dont have to be worried about it because if i am doing my job, God will fill my mouth with the words that i need to say to help them all. 2. is that when my appts fall, that is a clear sign from God that it is time to go and contact and not get sad about all of the appts that arent working out. those two things really really helped me out a lot.
Overall a really good week. I think this week we will have a baptism. His name is Carlos and this week we did a fast together to help him get over coffee and his other problems. It was a really spiritual experience for all 3 of us.
I love you all!
Elder Garry
It's raining like crazy but I'm okay because my wife will be beautiful!
Ninos doing Nino things
My Tongan Zone Leader...he is the dopest!
Proof that I work hard

Group selfie on the bus
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